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Remember the time when blogging was everything? Before Twitter gave us the ability to create pithy posts, blogging platforms like Blogspot, Friendster, MySpace, and Multiply gave us the platform for blogging!

As time passed, blogging has lost its shine because of the emergence of vlogging, Facebook statuses, and long Instagram captions.

Even though it’s no longer 2010, you still need a blog. There are various reasons to create your blog and for one, it will help your website rank. We’ll provide you with more justifications on the necessity of a blog this 2020.

Helps with SEO

SEO stands for search engine optimization. Simply put, it is what helps any form of web content to appear on the first page of a search engine’s results for a particular topic.

Sometimes, small businesses fail because people within their vicinity don’t know that they exist. If a person is looking for a salon service that’s within a 10-mile distance their house and your business is not even listed online, chances are you will not get the foot traffic from this person and their network.

Business-owners must remember that SEO isn’t just for bloggers, per se. Blogs can bring in foot traffic from their locality.

Create More Revenue

In connection to the previous point, you need a blog because it will create more revenue for your business.

Blogs are an open field for placing relevant advertisements to your visitors and creating income from affiliate marketing.

Since you\re ranking in the first few pages of the search results, there’s a higher chance that your site will be viewed. With advertisements and affiliate links in place, your visitors may click on these advertisements and even buy from your affiliates. Thus creating more sources of income aside from your on-going business.

Positions You As The Expert

Formerly, blogs were seen as a method of self-expression. Overtime, more and more people have used this avenue as a way to share their expert-knowledge on different matters.

Your blog can feature as many topics as you would like to cover. However, when used strategically, it will bring in more business for you.

Take a look at the influencers we have today. These influencers are tapped by businesses to help them reach customers. Some of these influencers started with just their personal blogs.

If you’re an avid food-lover and have eaten at several restaurants, maybe you can begin a blog to write about your reviews on a certain dish or certain restaurants. In this example a blog is used as a way to share the person’s expertise on food!

A blog is beneficial whether you’re a consultant who is helping people build a stronger business, a life coach who is seeking to reach more clients, or even an inventor/scientist who is creating products that will help improve a person’s life.

Opens Doors of Opportunities

It’s 2020 yet, how many of us know at least one person who became famous because of blogging? Blogging can open doors of opportunities for anyone provided that the blog contains what searchers are looking for. 

If you’re advocating for a certain philosophy or movement, if you’re looking for jobs and have difficulties getting interviews using the traditional method, maybe you can turn to blogging to find like-minded people and employers who might be in need of your talents and services.

Helps You Build An Audience That You Can Market To Later On

One of the reasons why people advertise and market is because they have something good to offer. But what if you don’t have people to listen to you? A product or an idea, no matter how great it is, won’t make you profit unless you have people to share it with.

Let’s take a look at The Minimalists, for example. Joshua Fields Millburn & Ryan Nicodemus are the duo behind The Minimalists. Initially, they were blogging on how to lead a minimalist lifestyle. They wanted to share how leading a minimalist lifestyle transformed their lives. Several years later, they were able to sign a book deal and even film a documentary entitled, “Minimalism: A Documentary About the Important Things”.

Because of their blogging, they were able to reach an audience and build that audience. Not only were they able to share their advocacies, they were also able to create an avenue for revenue.

Helps You Build Trust From Your Audience

Trust is an important aspect in any relationship, whether it’s a romantic or professional relationship. One of the best ways to build trust among your audience is through a blog.

Blogs offer more than having an avenue to share your knowledge and know-how. It is a great avenue to share who you are as a person or a business and what you can do to really help improve the lives of your patrons.

Recent statistics show that 64% of consumers buy from a brand that expresses their views and stand on societal issues. Having a blog section in your website can be used to express your brand’s stand on these societal issues which in turn can harbor trust from your audience.

The more you share about who you are in your blog, the more that your audience can help build a relationship with your brand.


Based on the above reasons, blogging is still a necessity for any website no matter how big or small.

Blogging not only gives you an avenue to introduce who you are as a brand, it can be used as a way to get local traffic, create sales channels, put you in the position of a subject-matter expert, and build an audience that trusts you. Even though you’re still a beginner at blogging, this can help open doors of opportunities that can lead you wherever you would like to be.

Just because you’re not a blogger or an influencer doesn’t mean that you won’t need a blog in 2020. Start a blog today!

For awesome digital marketing content, please visit The Marketing Skillet Blog for more.

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